Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anyone up for being friends?

Well today sure was an interesting day. I've come to realize I've got alot of anger and other emotions bottled up that is slowly starting to release itself. Which to be honest I'm so glad now. This year has not been the greatest I believe. But I'm trying to make the best of it. But now? I'm starting to not give a french toast anymore. That's right, I'm slowly starting to change me life. That includes the people I do hang out with now and those who I use to hang out with it in the past. I realized that I'm actually glad I got out of my city and into college. It's opened up so much for me. And it's also made me realize that some friends that I thought were good friends, really weren't.

 It's time I moved on and find some more friends. Only two or three people from my old town and life will remain in my new and current one. I will not speak of them because they know who they are. My old friends will never change. I noticed that. Their doing the same old thing they've been doing for the past two years since I first left for college. And I've made new friends that are actually doing things with your life. I'm glad I've moved on or I would of been stuck there doing nothing with my life.

   Its time for me to change and shape up my life. Its time to start a life with a new me. ^___^

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